Patty continues the series called, “That’s My Favorite Verse!”
Today’s favorite verse belongs to her friend and favorite professor, Dr. G, and it’s Philippians 3:10. For Paul—all of his accomplishments, his reputation, his status both as a Jew and religious leader means nothing compared to knowing Christ. Paul’s bucket list has one thing on it—to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and to be able to participate in his sufferings. Although it can be easy to focus on our accomplishments, what really matters is knowing Christ.

So here’s your homework: Read the book of Philippians, Yes the whole book! Write down anything that sticks out to you. It might be how many times he says rejoice. Or how he talks about unity or humility. You might wonder about the those verses in chapter two that sound like a song or a poem. Whatever sticks out, write it down. And let me know what you learn. You can message me on Instagram. My IG handle is @bibleinthree or you can email me your thoughts using this email address:
Want to dig in more?
Check out this video from the Bible Project.
Check out this book by Jennifer Hayes Yates that gives an overview of each book of the Bible.
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