Patty continues the series called, “That’s My Favorite Verse!”
Today’s favorite verse belongs to her friend Martie and it’s Psalm 46:10. It can be hard to trust God when things are falling apart. The voices of doubt and difficulty are screaming that it’s no good. That God is not able to intervene. But like the Israelites in captivity we can be still and know that he is God.
So here’s your homework: Pull out some paper or open up your notes app. Write down all your worries and struggles. Well—maybe just your top five. Then read Psalm 46. When you’re done, go back to your list and write “be still and know that I am God” beside each item. And then I encourage you to whisper a simple prayer—something like: God I choose to be still and know that you are God in my circumstances. Help me to rest and trust you for my rescue.” Now rescue doesn’t always mean that our circumstances will change but it does mean that God will be present with us in all our circumstances.
Want to dig in more?
Check out this video from the Bible Project.
Check out this book by Jennifer Hayes Yates that gives an overview of each book of the Bible.
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