ONE—The Background
Exodus can be summarized as the story of God’s gracious redemption of his people from captivity in Egypt. It is the second book found in the Bible (in the Old Testament) and is considered a part of the books of Law or Torah. There’s a bit of a debate on who exactly wrote the books of Law, but I think we can all agree that they were passed down from Moses to God’s people—the Israelites.
TWO—The Breakdown
So Exodus chapters 1–18 cover the story of how God uses Moses to deliver the Israelites from oppression and slavery in Egypt. Chapters 19–40 cover the Israelites time at Mount Sinai where God gives the decalogue or ten commandments, provides some guidance on how to interact with one another and outsiders. It is also where creates a covenant between Himself and his people. Now in Chapter 33 just before our favorite verse, Moses asks the Lord to “show me your glory.” That’s a pretty bold request especially since the Israelites barely recovered from the disaster of worshipping a golden calf! But God in his lovingkindness honors Moses request. He can’t see his face—he’d die—but he can see his backside. Wild huh?
THREE—The Bite-sized Truth
5 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. 6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.
So my understanding of Biblical languages is super teeny tiny but I had a professor who shared with us the beauty of the Hebrew word hesed. It means loyal love, lovingkindness. It’s a gorgeous word used to describe the deep and abiding love of God. And that word is translated here in verse 6.
Application: Perhaps you’ve thought like many that the God of the Old Testament is angry with the world and Jesus came to appease his anger. But God’s lovingkindness—his compassion, mercy, and grace, like fingerprints, fill the pages of the Old and New Testament alike. Yes, Jesus came to make payment for our sins but that was as much a demonstration of God the Father’s love as it was God the Son. Our trinitarian Lord’s character is lovingkindness. And he reveals that lovingkindness to Moses, to Israel, to humanity—and he’ll demonstrate it to you.

Here are some more resources to dig deeper.
Local Church— Being plugged into a church that prioritizes the reading and understanding of scripture is pretty important. For some that may be a pretty big ask due to previous hurt within this space. If that’s you, take your time and pray for God to lead you to the right space. But know that being in community with other faithful and mature believers is what God intended for his people. I’ll be praying with you for that community as well!
Traveling with the Father my friend Christine has a podcast with 3–5 minute devotionals that connects every day life to the truth of Scripture. You’ll love her soothing voice and beautiful honesty.
Simply Practical Truths. My friend Heather offers this weekly email bible study. Consider it your weekly dose of simple truth drawn from one verse or small passage of scripture with sound contextual insight and practical application for your life right now.
Honestly Though Podcast My friend Rebecca Carrell along with co-hosts Liz Rodriguez and Nika Spalding wrestle with relevant issues in the world, the church, and the family and ask, “Where is God in this?”
YouVersion Bible App I love this resource because you can read the Bible in multiple versions as well as start reading plans that are as short as a few days or as long as an entire year.
Bible In Three I also have a few more resources for the entire family on my website!
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