The Bible in Three is a podcast where we discuss 3 Things About the Bible in about three minutes. Today we’re exploring Philippians 4:13. You hear this verse a lot when people are getting ready to audition for a play, or try out for a team or interview for a job but it may not mean what we think it means.
ONE—The Background
This verse comes from a letter written by Paul to the people of Philippi. Neat tidbit—the first convert (that’s a person who becomes a Christian) was a woman named Lydia. You can read all about her story in Acts 16:11–15! So Paul is writing this letter with people like Lydia in mind, but while he is in prison!!
TWO—The Breakdown
Paul starts his letter like most letters written during that time with a salutation or greeting and then an introduction of who he is and then he shares a prayer for his readers. Then he gets to the meat of his letter. He has a few points to make but the bottom line is finding joy in Christ in difficulties.
THREE—The Bite-sized Truth
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Paul isn’t saying he can do ANYTHING with Christ’s strength. He is saying he can be CONTENT in any circumstance. I don’t know about you but I grew up thinking this verse meant I could do all, be all, pursue all with Christ giving me the strength to make it happen. Nope. Not what it’s saying.

Practical Application: If you get the job, praise God. If you lose your job, God is still faithful. If you make the team, awesome. If you don’t make call backs, well he’s still good. In abundance or scarcity you can have contentment and joy because it is God who gives you the strength to do so.
Here are some more resources to dig deeper.
Local Church— Being plugged into a church that prioritizes the reading and understanding of scripture is pretty important. For some that may be a pretty big ask due to previous hurt within this space. If that’s you, take your time and pray for God to lead you to the right space. But know that being in community with other faithful and mature believers is what God intended for his people. I’ll be praying with you for that community as well!
Traveling with the Father my friend Christine has a podcast with 3–5 minute devotionals that connects every day life to the truth of Scripture. You’ll love her soothing voice and beautiful honesty.
The Focused 15 Challenge My friend Jennifer has a 5 day challenge for creating a space for growing your faith.
YouVersion Bible App I love this resource because you can read the Bible in multiple versions as well as start reading plans that are as short as a few days or as long as an entire year.
Bible In Three I also have a few more resources for the entire family on my website!
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